Issue 2 (2016)

Автор | 13 Червня, 2018

Scientific works of Berdyansk State Pedagogical University

(Series: Pedagogics)


№ 2



Ventseva Nadezhda (Berdyansk). Formation of the historical content of higher pedagogical education in Ukraine in the early ХХ century
Ghosh Viktoriia (Kyiv). Features of the development of the theory of intraschool control in domestic pedagogy in the 70’S and 80’S of the XX century
Nelin Ievgen (Uman). Tendencies of development of the higher pedagogical education in the Ukrainian lands (XIX – first half XX century)
Uluykaeva Iryna (Berdyansk). Tendencies of development of the higher pedagogical education in the Ukrainian lands (XIX – first half XX century)
Gubina Oksana (Sumy). Modern approaches towards the studying of open education development problems in Ukraine
Strelnikov Viktor (Poltava) Theoretical and methodological guidelines for the development of spiritual culture of future teacher
Filimonova Tatiana (Mykolayiv). The national-patriotic education of the personality: pedagogical aspect
Shumilova Iryna (Berdyansk). Monitoring of the quality of forming common cultural competence of the future teacher of the humanitarian specialities as psychological and pedagogical problem
Rybinska Julia (Kyiv). The psychological peculiarities of forming of skills of foreign language study at 3-6 years old children
Begragyan Liusya (Dnipro). Methods of physics study and ways to improve them
Kniazian Marianna (Odessa). The future teachers’ preparation to the organization of senior pupils’ project activities
Nischeta Volodymyr (Herson). The modern rhetoric in the context of philosophy: methodological aspect
Koval Ludmyla (Berdyansk). The retrospective analysis of professional training of future primary school teachers
Burnazova Vera (Berdyansk). The development of artistry and creative potential of junior pupils as a dominant of professional skills of art disciplines’ teacher
Diers Manuela (Hildesheim, Germany). Strengthening resilience in school – a narrative examination about how teachers promote resilience by providing social support
Hurenko Olga (Berdyansk) Multicultural education of future social workers as an educational system
Zhmurkova Inna (Kharkov). Motivational aspects of the revitalization process of chemical disciplines teaching methods of information and multimedia technologies
Zabolotskii Anton (Kyiv). E-learning in terms of competency approach in high school
Kryvyleva Olena (Berdyansk). The original design positions of psychological and pedagogical training of professional and technical educational establishments’ future teachers
Xintin Liu (Kyiv). Ways of optimization of future choreographers’ aesthetic culture formation
Mekvabidze Ruizan (Gori, Georgia). The knowledge triangle as a main educational aspect of for learning outcome
Mozolev Olexander (Khmelnytskyi). The state standard of training specialists in the sphere of physical culture and sport of Poland
Nikitenko Vitalina, Karpenko Inna, Demikhova Olena (Zaporizhzhia). To some problems of international students study: language, social and humanitarian aspects
Nenko Julia (Cherkassy). The professional oriented communicative training of future officers of civil protection service: modern condition, problems, contradictions
Nesterenko Maryna (Berdyansk). The problem of the development of lesson’s theory in the context of professional training of future primary school teachers: historical aspect
Pet’ko Lyudmila (Kyiv). Method of analogy as means to upgrade the learning process in the conditions of university
Peleshko Yulia (Melitopol). Logical block construction value orientations: modern approaches to determining
Popova Oleksandra (Odessa). Model and experimental methods facilitating the professional and speech training targeted for the future translators of Chinese under conditions of university pedagogical education
Popova Olga (Berdyansk). Forming the culture of pedagogical communication masters of primary education in the training process
Radziyevska Olga. Innovational technologies as a device of forming of the foreign language communicational competence of non profile specializations
Simac Ana, Babin Juliana (Chisinau, Republic of Moldova). Development student’s creative abilities in learning of modern Moldavian tapestry
Sychikova Yana, Deyneko Natalya (Berdyansk, Kharkiv). The improvement of monitoring of current level knowledge in discipline “Alternative energetics” with the help of computer program OPENTEST 2.0
Stechenko Tetiana, Ushakova Liudmila (Chernihiv). The Content and the Structure of Linguoculturological Competence of Foreign Language Teachers
Sorokvashin Sergey (Dnipro). Pedagogical conditions of formation of information and communication competence of future skilled workers in the construction industry
Ushakova Yuliya (Kropivnitskiy). Pedagogical conditions of development motivation to study professionally-orieted courses future operator of air navigation provision
Fendrikov Kostiantyn (Kharkov). Popularization in the press of higher pedagogical education institutions of advanced pedagogical experience as a condition for realizing professionally-pedagogical potential of university newspapers
Frytsiuk Valentina (Vinnitsa). Psycho-pedagogical concept of “professional self-development of future teacher”
Shevchuk Oleg (Starobilsk). Intelligent tutoring systems: the basic principles of construction and architecture classes (Overview I)
Shitko Victoria (Berdyansk). On peculiarities of teaching mathematics students of medical colleges
Shustak Yuliia (Ostrog). Non-formal adult education in the legal framework of Ukraine
Yablochnikova Iryna (Kyiv). Features training masters in finance in Malta
Bunchuk Oksana (Melitopol). Structure, mechanism of formation of the Society of school education and its funding
Vasynova Nadia (Starobilsk). Methodological bases using a systematic approach of research a development of higher education institutions management theory in Ukraine (last quarter of XX – beginning of XXI century)
Luparenko Svitlanaa, Danilova Yevgeniya (Kharkov). Informational technologies in music schools management
Tovkanets Oksana (Uzhgorod). Managing service quality in the content of training of education managers at the beginning of the XXI century