Issue 3 (2014)

Автор | 1 Листопада, 2016

Scientific works of Berdyansk State Pedagogical University

(Series: Pedagogics)


№ 3


  1. Alekseeva Anna. Innovative approaches to the use of computer graphics in the preparation of students of pedagogical skills
  2. Altouchova Galina. Pedagogical conditions of training future teachers to create intercultural interaction at school
  3. Babenko Leonid. The problem of socialization of personality in pedagogics of national cultural education
  4. Bogdanova Marina. The genesis of value phenomenon and specific of main axiological ideas
  5. Buyanov Pavel. Continuing professional education in the world of educational thought
  6. Velkova Olexandra.Building a culture of professional interaction by means of training future managers
  7. Ventseva Nadezhda. Practical component of professional pedagogical education of student-historian in Ukraine of 1917-1920 years
  8. Hrytsenko Andrej.Methods of forming abilities of high school students use information resources in learning history
  9. Gerasymchuk Tetiana. The current state of informatization of higher education as a basis of preparation of competent professionals
  10. Hrydzhuk Oksana. Specificity of training texts for teaching of professional terminology of forestry university’ students
  11. Gurenko Olga. State of formation of multicultural competence of future social workers: results of the stating experiment
  12. Davydenko Hanna. Models and forms of implementation of inclusive education within the framework of pedagogical innovations
  13. Dolme Maria. Distance learning: advantages and disadvantages annotation
  14. Efimenko Yriy. 1Laboratory computer training in digital technique
  15. Zaitseva Larysa. Formation of practical skills of the students in the process of study of special subjects
  16. Zasymenko Victoria. Teaching filling up professional logistic documentation in english
  17. Kanuk Gennadiy, Pugachova Tatyana, Bezyazichny Vasily, Omelchenko Leonid. Universal structural-functional model of learning as a basis of saving resources and energy of future engineers and educators
  18. Kitova Olga. Young people’s training for future work in the pedagogical views of d. thorzhevskiy
  19. Kovalenko Denis. Peculiarities of professional and legal training of future specialists of higher engineering-pedagogical educational establishments
  20. Kozynets Oleksandr. Study on the subject of education of individuals with hearing impairments in the research works of rudolf krayevsky
  21. Kolesnichenko Nataliya. Conceptual model of the organization of professional training of bachelors of romance-germanic philology based on career-focused approach
  22. Korostelin Mikhailo. The technology of the forming of future sale and commerce specialists’ readiness to prevent conflicts in the professional activity
  23. Kudinov Niсk. The forming of the readiness to the automated design of the information systems in the process of the professional training of the future engineers-teachers
  24. Kutsenko Sergiy. Creative activity approach to training in the process of formation of creative potential of future teacher of choreography
  25. Lavrentjeva Nadezhda. The content of training music teachers in context of methodical thinking
  26. Lebed Olga.Strategic management in the education system
  27. Lisinа Larisa.Organizational-pedagogical conditions of preparation of future teachers in the conditions of the master to the design of learning technologies
  28. Lukyanchykov Maxim. The problem of designing the training of future teacher in the process of professional training
  29. Lukyanchykova Elena. Scientific approaches to the problem of management of educational activity
  30. Lyubchenko Olga. The formation of conflict management skills of future economists using dialogical and debating technologies
  31. Malykhin Andrey. State of methodical training of the teacher of technologies (labor training) in the higher pedagogical educational institutions of Ukraine
  32. Malykhin Vladimir. Competence in the field of security of information systems, as a component of professional training of future engineers-teachers of computer profile
  33. Misko Natalya. Methodological approaches to research into the problem of development of scientific thesaurus of the native theory of educational management (the last quarter of XX century – the beginning of XXI century)
  34. Nakhod Svetlana. Interactive technologies in the formation of predictive capability of future experts
  35. Nemchenko Sergey. Traditional and reflexive control: a comparison
  36. Onishchenko Sergey. Design-engineering competence as a component of professional competence of future teachers of technology
  37. Panova Svetlana. Researching of professional competence of future mathematics teachers based on acmeology
  38. Podoprygora Natalia. Mathematical methods of physics as an integrative factor of interdisciplinary connections in professional scientific subject preparation of would-be teachers of physics
  39. Piskurska Ganna. Model of a modern international business activities manager
  40. Savitsky Andrey. Neurophysiological aspects of training of children with a down syndrome
  41. Syvashchenko Sergiy. The educational environment of the formation of labor culture of future technologies teachers in the process of professional training
  42. Sychikova Yana. History of physical researches is in teaching of physics of pedagogical institutes of higher
  43. Smagulova Nataliya. The dualistic nature of engineering-pedagogical education
  44. Solovey Uljana. The forming of the speaker’s communicative competence in the process of learning Ukrainian as a foreign language
  45. Turchin Tamara. Methodological model of modernization of elementary music education in Ukraine
  46. Khomenko Vitaliy. Contents of dual organizational competences of engineers-teachers of computer profile
  47. Chernega Olena. Forming of students’ critical thinking by heuristic educational technology
  48. Shilina Galina. Melitopol general school of i – iii of degrees №11 Melitopol town of the Zaporizhya region
  49. Shkola Iryna. Role play as a means of forming of foreign language communicative competence for students of non-linguistic specialties
  50. Yaroshynska Olena. Design principles of educational environments of the professional training of the future primary school teachers
Категорія: 2014