Issue 2 (2014)

Автор | 1 Листопада, 2016

Scientific works of Berdyansk State Pedagogical University

(Series: Pedagogics)


№ 2


  1. Achkan V. Foring of procedure and logical mathematical competencies of senior pupils in the process of study of trigonometric equations and inequalities in classes of different profile
  2. Belova Y. Model of professional competence of future engeneer of ingeneering field
  3. Bogdanov I. Facultative physical and technical training of pupils
  4. Vertiporokh D. The structure of electronic teaching-methodical complex in structure and operation of automobiles
  5. Voloshina A. The historical development of physical tasks’ text books in the context of evolution of methods of physics teaching
  6. Zhyhir V. Evaluation of professional competence of specialist as a factor of its reformation
  7. Zaika S. Forming and development of responsibility on lessons of technological disciplines
  8. Zaitseva L. Using heuristic dialogue during review of preschool chieldren with objects of nature-subject environment
  9. Zasyekina T., Zasyekin D. Problems of improving the content of school physical education
  10. Zakharina E. Forming of skills and abilities of future physical training teachers for extracurricular and after-school recreational and educational work in educational space of general educational institution
  11. Kavurko L., Fomkina O. Intersubdect integration of disciplines of natural and mathematical cycle in preparation of specialists of technological direction
  12. Kereeva I. Psychological and pedagogical sapects of independent student work at the university
  13. Klimova K. Means of media-didactics in the space of education and self-education of ukrainian language future teachers
  14. Kovalenko O. Using of modelling methods during study of computer technologies of project management
  15. Korobova I. Ability to ask as an indicator of methodical competence of future physics teacher
  16. Kotelnikova N. Improvment of teacher’s qualification on the base of school as an important component of the system of postgraduate pedagogical education in China
  17. Kulinka Y. Project-technological approach in training of future technologies teachers to preventive education
  18. Lazarenko A. Basic principles of modelling the process of physics teaching
  19. Lazarenko D. Using of the newton”s second law in hydrodynamics
  20. Lazareva T. Motivation of professional activity of future engeneers-technologists of food industry
  21. Lykholat A. Modern paradigm of speciality “Basis of housekeeping” of technologies teachers training
  22. Levchenko O. Improvement of method of study unstationary phenomena on the base of imitational of computer modelling
  23. Lozovenko O., Minaev Y., Tykhonska N. Participation of students and pupils at creating of means of physical and mathematical disciplines
  24. Luk’yanenko G. Reflecting the conception of advanced education in educational-qualified characteristics of profession
  25. Martyniuk M., Khitruk V. Theoretical and methodical bases of study the properties of solid bodies in general educational establishments
  26. Martyniuk О. Constructive design activity as a factor of improvement the training of future specialists
  27. Matsyuk V. Level control of results of students’ educational achievements
  28. Miroshnichenko V. Monitoring the effectiveness of using project technology in the process of teaching history
  29. Mulyar O. Reflecting the problem of tolerance in the practice of modern school
  30. Onufrienko O. Scientific heritage of ukrainian mathematician Vladimir Rvachev
  31. Pavlova N. Forming of professional competence of future informatics teacher by means of using the learning course
  32. Peregudova V. The forming of professional competence of future technologies yeacher in conditions of credit-transfer system of education
  33. Pol’ova G. The experience of using informational technologies at history lessons
  34. Savytskaya O. The role of elective courses in the system of profile technological education
  35. Selezen V. Graphic preparation in the organization of learning process of students of educational field “Technology”
  36. Senchenko I. Mathematical modeling during the teaching of disciplines of economic cycle in pedagogical university
  37. Sosnytskaya N. Methodical means of forming of future physics teacher’s methodological culture
  38. Halabuzar O.Using the synergetical approach in the process of linguist’s professional training
  39. Tykhonska N. Requirements for “language” knowledge and skills of students in school physics course
Категорія: 2014